Peerless  |  SKU: Peerless-ALB-1.25-6

Peerless Adjustable Lifting Beam


Capacity (US Tons) Max. Spread (Ft.) Min. Spread (Ft.) Head-room Bail Height Bail Opening Width Bail Opening Height Bail Thickness Bail Adjustment Increments Bail Travel (Half of Center) Shackle Size (Tons) Weight (Lbs.)
1.25 6 3 13.5 1 3 5 0.63 3 12 2 120
2 6 3 14.5 1 3 5 0.63 3 12 2 140
4 8 4.5 20 1.5 4 7 0.75 6 18 3.25 315
5 10 5 22 1.5 4 7 1 6 18 4.75 440


  • This style of lifting beam can lift off center loads easily by adjusting the bail prior to the lift.
  • This lifter can be used where headroom is limited and comes with multiple spreads that are adjustable to accommodate various load sizes at 6” adjustable increments.
  • Supplied with two lower shackles.
  • Engineered and manufactured to ASME B30.20 & BTH-1 Design Category B Service Class 2.
  • Proof-Tested to 125% capacity and certificates supplied at No Additional Charge.
  • Made in USA.


  • Swivel hooks
Peerless Adjustable Lifting Beam

Peerless Adjustable Lifting Beam

From $1,680.00
Capacity (US Tons) Max. Spread (Ft.) Min. Spread (Ft.) Head-room Bail Height Bail Opening Width Bail Opening Height Bail Thickness Bail Adjustment Increments Bail Travel (Half of Center) Shackle Size (Tons) Weight (Lbs.)
1.25 6 3 13.5 1 3 5 0.63 3 12 2 120
2 6 3 14.5 1 3 5 0.63 3 12 2 140
4 8 4.5 20 1.5 4 7 0.75 6 18 3.25 315
5 10 5 22 1.5 4 7 1 6 18 4.75 440



Capacity (US Tons)

  • 1.25
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5

Max. Spread (Ft.)

  • 6
  • 8
  • 10
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